Personally, I like the War Within's Cybertronian mode the best, even though the toy itself is not too playable. WFC is also interesting, with the United version having nice metallic red. FOC looks too much like an Earth truck; not 'Cybertronian' enough. ;)
I always like to see how toy designers and comic artists interpret the familiar G1 characters into Cybertronian versions.
In their bot modes. WFC Optimus is obviously the best looking with just the right amount of bulk and poseability. War Within is not stable when posing because of its die-cast weight. FOC looks like he was a tummy!
So which is your favourite Cybertronian Optimus Prime?
I personally like Titanium Optimus Prime's design but the better toy, at least to me, is first War for Cybertron Optimus even with the unnecessarily long antennae.
Looks like we have the same taste! :D
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